
The cheapest time to travel to Klichaw


To make your trip planning easier, we have collected thousands of data on hotel prices and expenses in Klichaw throughout the years, analyzed them, and prepared a forecast for you so that you can know exactly the best time to visit Klichaw, Belarus

Cheapest month to travel:


Information summary

Belarus is located in the Europe continent and its currency is the Belarusian ruble The VAT rate is +20 and unemployment rate is +6%.
Klichaw, Belarus is located in the Municipality of Mahilyowskaya Voblasts’ in Belarus. There are 7835 inhabitants of the city.
Here some In order to get a good idea of the expected costs in the country, Belarus is in the 123th place in our travel costs index. which means that this is a a place with low living and travel costs, so you can travel for less money, but sometimes the level of development in the country will be lower accordingly. The prices of meals in restaurants are considered cheap, and a good meal in a restaurant can be eaten at a low price.Supermarket shopping prices are relatively low, especially in the big chains, and even in small stores the prices are cheaper compared to most countries.

 Tourism increasing in recent years

As tourism levels increase, hotel prices often go up, and Belarus saw 11832000 visitors in 2019 versus 5674000 in 2010.

These months are the least touristy and cheapest

During the month of March, according to our analysis, the prices of hotels in the city are the lowest. Additionally, February and April are considered relatively cheap months. These are the seasons when it is best to book a vacation and a hotel when searching for a good deal, but on the other hand, these months are the least touristy seasons and the weather may not be marvelous.

Cheapest day to book a hotel room

In terms of hotel bookings, the cheapest day of the week is Monday, while Sunday and Tuesday are also sometimes a bargain, but not always.

The most expensive month of the year

It is also worth mentioning that the most expensive month of the year when it comes to booking a hotel room is June, and sometimes also the months of May and July. So if you plan to visit Klichaw in this month, it is important to book in advance, and take in consideration higher rates for tourists.
We analyzed thousands of prices at hotels in the Klichaw area and determined that the average rate per night in a hotel is 73$-54$ for a standard double room.

The cheapest room we found 

We found the cheapest hotel room at Klichaw for $ 7 per night. Please note that this is the lowest price we have found, sometimes certain rooms are also in these price ranges. However, the number is only an indication.

Here you can find a cheap room!

 Get to the hotel

In order to get to the hotel, we checked the prices of public transport:

(But if you plan to travel a lot in the area, you should sometimes buy a monthly ticket for public transportation, which costs in Klichaw around 14.2 USD$.)

A local bus ride in the city costs:

A ticket on local transport costs in Klichaw around 1.14 USD$.

In the city, a taxi ride will cost around:

If you plan to take a taxi, keep in mind that the price per mile is in Klichaw around 0.55 USD$. Please choose a taxi that has a license as well as request an activation counter when starting the trip.
The following is a summary of the In order to get a good idea of the expected costs in the country, Belarus is in the 123th place in our travel costs index. which means that this is a a place with low living and travel costs, so you can travel for less money, but sometimes the level of development in the country will be lower accordingly. The prices of meals in restaurants are considered cheap, and a good meal in a restaurant can be eaten at a low price.Supermarket shopping prices are relatively low, especially in the big chains, and even in small stores the prices are cheaper compared to most countries.

*Credit and clarification: some of the data were collected from a variety of open sources such as numbeo.com And many others. the data are for general information only, And we do not take responsibility for the use and accuracy of it. We wish you a safe and enjoyable trip!

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