
How much does it cost to travel or live in Cambria?


In this article, we will review the costs of living and traveling in Cambria, so you can know in advance how much it will cost you to buy groceries, eat in restaurants, public transportation and various expenses in Cambria, United States

Living costs score


Out of 5

Information summary

United States is part of the North America continent.
Located in the country of United States, Cambria is part of the Municipality of California in United States. 5725 people live in the city of Cambria.
Here some A brief introduction to the area and price trends: United States is ranked 29th in our cost of living index, which means that this is an expensive place to travel and live, where the standard of living is high but the costs of the trip are accordingly high.Meal prices in restaurants are considered relatively high, but a meal at fast food chains or street stalls will be cheaper, and there are many such stalls.Supermarket shopping prices are high, there are a number of cheaper food chains, but still relatively expensive compared to other countries.

Meal prices in restaurants, fast food and street stalls


The Big Mac index

A very well-known index for estimating the cost of living is The Big Mac index Which check how much a Big Mac costs around the world to estimate the level of living costs. and if you do go to a restaurant, you can find a hamburger meal in Cambria for a 8.55 USD$.

Beer price

If you want to buy a local beer, you will find that the price in Cambria for a local beer is around 5.5 USD$.
While the price of an international brand beer in Cambria is around 6.49 USD$.

Price of coffee and drinks

In cafes or street stalls you can sip delicious coffee in Cambria for 4.75 USD$.
If you just want a small soft drink bottle, you can buy it in Cambria for 2.74 USD$.
While a small bottle of water will cost you in Cambria just 2.11 USD$.

Prices of important everyday products – grocery shopping, transportation and housing.


How much does supermarket shopping cost? How much is a bus ride? Here are some average city prices

shopping in the supermarket

Information and prices on average costs for buying at a local supermarket:

Bottle of milk

A bottle of milk will cost you in Cambria around 3.66 USD$.

Vegetables and fruits

Do not forget to add healthy and tasty vegetables and fruits as well. Local apples will cost you in Cambria around 2.55 USD$.


And if you want to add bread to the milk, you will have to say goodbye in Cambria for more 2.53 USD$.


And a local banana will cost you in Cambria around 1.08 USD$.

How much will local transportation cost you?

A ticket on local transport costs in Cambria around 2.99 USD$.
But if you plan to travel a lot in the area, you should sometimes buy a monthly ticket for public transportation, which costs in Cambria around 65.52 USD$.
If you plan to take a taxi, keep in mind that the price per mile is in Cambria around 2.69 USD$.

Renting a car


Long-term move

If you are planning to move to the city or rent a long-term apartment, here are some important numbers to know:

Electricity price

The average price of electricity for a medium-sized apartment is Cambria around 164.52 USD$.

Internet price

A home internet connection will cost you around Cambria around 65.68 USD$.

Movie cinema

A ticket to a movie at a local movie theater will cost you in Cambria around 12.56 USD$.
The following is a summary of the A brief introduction to the area and price trends: United States is ranked 29th in our cost of living index, which means that this is an expensive place to travel and live, where the standard of living is high but the costs of the trip are accordingly high.Meal prices in restaurants are considered relatively high, but a meal at fast food chains or street stalls will be cheaper, and there are many such stalls.Supermarket shopping prices are high, there are a number of cheaper food chains, but still relatively expensive compared to other countries.

*Credit and clarification: some of the data were collected from a variety of open sources such as numbeo.com And many others. the data are for general information only, And we do not take responsibility for the use and accuracy of it. We wish you a safe and enjoyable trip!

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How much does it cost to travel or live in Cambria?

In this article, we will review the costs of living and traveling in Cambria, so you can know in advance how much it will cost you to buy groceries, eat in restaurants, public transportation and various expenses in Cambria, United States
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